About and Contact Pages

I am rebuilding my website on a new server. I have FTP’d Backlight 6.0.1 to the server and performed the install. When I did this, I was using a temporary domain name. After connecting the final domain to the website, changing the site URLs to the new domain, the About and Contact pages no longer appear. They are apparently linked to the original (temporary) domain name. Is there a way to correct the URL info for the About and Contact pages?


Take a look at your Menu Set and what you have set for those pages

you may also need to clear browser cache

A link to the site might help

The About menu item is pointing to hjrweintraubphotos.com/PhotographyGallery/about and the Contact menu item is pointing to hjrweintraubphotos.com/PhotographyGallery/contact

Neither of these folders exist. If I manually link using the original temporary domain in which the About and Contact pages worked, I can’t see the results as it is not deemed a secure site and the browsers do not allow me to go there. My original website has no SSL certificate but I can go there. Contact and About work there even though there is no /contact or /about folders on the server.

If I try to design an About page, the text is there but after saving, there is no change.

Did the install under the temporary domain place some code in the About and Contact pages?


contact and about are pages served by Backlight. You won’t see them in the PhotographyGallery. Did you copy the .htaccess file?

The hosting service modified the .htaccess file to support their SSL protocol. I have linked the original and the modified .htaccess file:


The original content of the .htaccess file is below the added lines. I have highlighted the added code. The original section has not been modified.


Just so we’re clear on what’s going on, you installed Backlight inside of the PhotographyGallery/ folder, correct?
I see the site here: Home - Photographs-Now, Inc

And the site URL is set to https://hjrweintraubphotos.com/PhotographyGallery/

What does your Menu Set item look like? Are you using Page or URL for the Link To field?


As Daniel suggested, this may be a .htaccess issue, a similar post popped up just a couple of days ago.

I’m no .htaccess expert, but it appears the edited portion may be overriding the Backlight provided code. @Ben will know.

I am using page and it looks like the example you posted.

Probably the host added code in your .htaccess file then. See @Ben’s response to this post

Either page or url produces the same “Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server” message

Linked here is the Design Menu page. When I select About in the webpage menu, the browser says I am going to “https://hjrweintraubphotos.com/PhotographyGallery/about/” I then get the file not found error.

Search and Galleries both work.

Here is the link

For your Contact and About pages, if you’re going to use “about/”, then the Link to selection should be Page.
Otherwise, if you want to use URL for Link to, try making it /about (forward slash before the word) or https://hjrweintraubphotos.com/PhotographyGallery/about/

By the way, you can post screen shots to the forum (png or jpg) just by copying and pasting the file into your post.

Your Backlight installation is correct: https://hjrweintraubphotos.com/PhotographyGallery/?page=about, but your .htaccess file doesn’t do the job.

Looking at the changes, your host did a http to https redirect. You don’t need this since this can be configured in Backlight > Admin. So you can revert back to the original .htaccess file and things should work again.

Here are some screen shots of what I have…

And here is the modified htaccess file…

They did the modification to get the SSL to work on a subdirectory.

I replaced the htaccess file with the original and changed the privacy settings in backlight/admin/settings to “automatically redirect browsers to https” and everything works again!

Thanks for the information… I really appreciate it.



I’m glad you got it working again. One complication is that the Backlight admin is its own application with own .htaccess file, and the public-facing website has its own .htaccess file. Backlight assumes that if URL rewriting works for itself then it can be used on the customer-facing website (it has no way of knowing that it isn’t). That works well until the top-level .htaccess is missing or broken.

Being unable to detect this means that there’s no graceful failover. If it’s not working on Backlight then it does failover gracefully.