I started the Backlight Admin module to see the feedback. but I got the error message: Unexpected error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ContactFormFieldVO.php on line 142
Does someone has a solution for that problem?
I started the Backlight Admin module to see the feedback. but I got the error message: Unexpected error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ContactFormFieldVO.php on line 142
Does someone has a solution for that problem?
Is your Backlight installation up to date?
There was a recent issue having to do with the new Honeypot feature that caused some problems. This may be related.
Yes it shows me that I am up to date if I look to the modules page in the backlight admin area. What module should I reinstall to fix that issue?
I don’t know if this will help, but see this
Hi @Dieter_Kurth, this has been addressed alongside a number of other Contact Form and other improvements, in Backlight 6.0.3.
This happened for Contact Forms that didn’t include any extra fields. I suspect it’s something that worked previously but has since caused issues with newer versions of PHP.