Custom CSS questions

I looked at this again. Looks like you need to use this selector to apply borders and a drop shadow, though it looks like the drop shadow only appears on the y-axis:

yes. You may want to adjust the color and opacity.

(I don’t know if all those selectors are needed, just was too lazy to test combinations)

OK, so I just used that code and transparency works on the drop-down menus, but also darkens the entire site. Could you please take a look at it and figure out what I’m doing wrong please?

Do you need to admin code to look further?

REALLY appreciate it. Thanks.

You’ve got some extra selectors floating around.
Remove or comment out the html,body, selectors you have on lines 5 and 6

Also get rid of the main selector you have after the dropdown menu rule


Thanks a lot Rod. I’ve always said you guys support your product and this proves it for me. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Not my product, that’s all Matt and Ben. I’m just a user with way too much time on my hands :grinning: