Have you also tried Rod’s suggestion about clearing preferences?
added 2 more → published → 3rd Album created!!!
added another 3 photos → now 4 albums
Lightroom Classic-Version: 13.2 [ 202402141005-bf1aeb84 ]
Not yet. Do you want me to give it a try? What do I loose in configuration when clearing the preferences?
that’s outlined toward the end of the article I linked to.
Well, did so now and removed com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7.plist
After reboot I now get the publisher Services greyed out saying: The module nil is not installed or does not function properly.
have you tried reinstalling the Publisher plugin?
Are you using the latest TTG Publisher plugin?
Since you’re doing it manually, did you also remove any others that might be leftover from LR6?
Note on manual removal: You need to remove (delete or move) all the Lightroom Classic and Lightroom 6 (and earlier) .plist / .agprefs files. If you just delete the Lightroom Classic CC 7 file, LR will read preferences from the earlier-version files.
So which one do you want?
% ls -la *.plist | grep adobe
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 114185 19 Mai 16:10 com.adobe.LightroomClassicCC7.plist
-rw-------@ 1 elmarbschorer staff 1200 19 Mai 10:12 com.adobe.Photoshop.plist
-rw-r–r-- 1 elmarbschorer staff 0 3 Feb 16:47 com.adobe.Photoshop.uxp_com.adobe.ccx.lrimporter.plist
-rw-r–r-- 1 elmarbschorer staff 0 3 Feb 16:47 com.adobe.Photoshop.uxp_com.adobe.ccx.start.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 42 19 Sep 2023 com.adobe.acc.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 115 2 Jun 2023 com.adobe.acc.AdobeDesktopService.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 42 10 Jan 17:20 com.adobe.acc.HEXHelper.Renderer.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 119 11 Apr 18:19 com.adobe.accmac.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 115 2 Jun 2023 com.adobe.cc.Install.plist
-rw-rw-rw- 1 elmarbschorer staff 20794 19 Mai 16:10 com.adobe.crashreporter.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 42 14 Jun 2023 com.adobe.lightroom-cef-helper.plist
-rw------- 1 elmarbschorer staff 50503 24 Apr 00:42 com.adobe.lightroomCC.plist
-rw-------@ 1 elmarbschorer staff 135553 19 Mai 10:12 com.adobe.mediabrowser.plist
% ls -la *.agprefs
-rw-r–r-- 1 elmarbschorer staff 0 31 Dez 00:03 Lightroom CC Preferences.agprefs
The easiest way it to just follow the first set of directions and reset the preferences file from the Preferences dialog box.
– With Lightroom running
Introduced more recently in Lightroom Classic, you can reset Preferences from within the program. To do so, open Preferences > General. Hold down Alt (Windows) / Opt (Mac) and you’ll see the options under Prompts change. The right-hand one lets you Reset all preferences and relaunch.
What the f****… Thank you Rod.
OK - So I did as Rod said.
- reset the preferences of Lightroom
- created a new album
- published
—> only one album created (good) - added a photo
- published
-----> only one album exists - added another photo
- published
—.> only one album exists
So…seems like that resetting my Lightroom Preferences did the Trick. Sorry guys for the late doing of the preference reset. My big fear was to loose all my settings in LR. That’s why I did not do it right away,
So, sorry Rod, sorry Ben for the work I made you and thank you so much for your great support
That preferences reset can solve lots of things, but this is the first time I’ve seen it solve an issue like this.
Glad it’s working again!
That’s great news! It is strange that the LR preferences can affect the application in strange ways like that. Interestingly, LR Catalogues, where the Publisher settings reside, are actually SQLite databases. The same type of database that we use in Backlight.
No need to be sorry. I’m glad to be able to help and the main thing is your Publisher is working again. Thanks, @rod_barbee.