File size limitations?

Are there file size limitations between using Lightroom to manage an album versus using Backlight to control the album?

Using Lightroom, I regularly create albums that have images 5mb or larger. I have a remote photographer who posts images to the site, and he said he gets error messages when trying to upload large photos. He reduces the size, and there are no issues.

Is there a parameter I can change that will allow him to upload large images remotely? When he needs an album, I set it up for him directly in Backlight, and then he fills the album.

I am running the latest version of Backlight 5.



There may be a low limit on the size of files you can upload. Check your php.ini file. Look for upload_max_filesize

Your php.ini file may be in the root of your site. You can download it and open and edit it with a plain text editor or a code editor.

Some C-panels will allow you to change some parameters of php.ini as well.

Or you can call your host’s technical support and ask them about upload_max_filesize

Thanks… will do.