Embedding an album… ? May be : I have created a new Pangolin album in “boutique” section (Paysages) with some images copied from different Kookaburra albums and Pangolin .
The landscape album is OK, but all the Kookaburra albums (not the only one used to add images in “paysage” album) are concerned.
Both of those appear to be regular albums.
The 2020 album is access code protected, but the album is showing anyway, which is strange.
The only issue I can see with that is the @ in the image filename. Special characters in filenames can cause problems. But since the other album doesn’t have that issue, I don’t think it’s causing the problem.
You could first try clicking on the Reinstall All link on your Backlight Modules page. See if that clears things up. Also make sure you’re running the latest version.
If that doesn’t fix it, then @Matthew or @Ben will need to take a look.
Yes I run the latest version. How proceed to reinstall all link on backlight modules page ? I updated album files and index files … but this did not solved the problem.
I suppose there’s one more thing you could try.
Create a new Kookaburra page template with the default settings.
Create a new Kookaburra album template with default settings and assign the new default page template to it.
Publish a new album using the new album template and see if that album throws a similar error.
That would give @Matthew and @Ben a little more to work with.
I put in a fix for that recently, though I’ve lost track whether that’s in the current release or the next release. Please try my advice in that thread, and let me know whether the issue persists.
Hi Matthew, YES
1°) I have reinstalled BL without any change.
2°) As claimed by Rod I have created new Kookaburra page template and album, creted a new album (essay), posted a new slide, and a slide from a protected album. Every thing is correct and the error message does not apperead .
3°) In view of finalized the web site, I recently put structured data on “ON” in page template. You are right. There is a bug with this. Thank’s a lot for your great support of the BL team.
Hi, I appreciate so much your assistance. Thank’s a lot. I have finalized the web site with great satisfaction (and a lot of work), event it’s never finish !