3.1 hero image mix up

After updating to 3.1 I see all the galleries that I had a Hero image set are now set to “Random” , the cover image is set to what was originally set for the Hero image and Hero image is now set to random??

The hero image was originally just inheriting the cover image, so the cover image being set as it is makes sense to me.

Having the hero image fall back to being random, though, is an oversight on our part. Apologies.

Hi Matt,

Would it not make sense to leave the cover image as random as it was rather than populate it with the hero image? As the cover image is a new feature, give us the option to define an image rather than assume we want it set to what we had as a hero image?

Is the Hero image issue likely to be fixed quickly as i now have multiple galleries with hero images with peoples heads chopped off etc, or do i need to manually go in and fix\select the images again?

You’re misunderstanding. The cover image is not a new feature; we’ve simply introduced a new way to set it.

The hero image is the new feature, introduced in Backlight 3, and was borrowing the cover image.

So what’s happened is we’ve gone from having the long-time existing cover_image data field feeding both the cover image and the new hero image feature;

And we now have that same cover_image feeding the cover image, as it’s always done; and a new hero_image data field that is empty, hence the default to random, now feeding the hero image feature.

From the perspective of data, it’s all working as intended. And from a fresh install, there’s no problem whatsoever.

The only oversight we made was to not pre-populate the new hero_image data with the existing value from the old cover_image data.

You’ll need to manually select hero images for your albums. I don’t see a change incoming.

Hi @mridley, I can advise on how to copy the cover_image setting to the new hero_image setting. But can you first confirm whether Matt’s last reply aligns with what you’re experiencing, so that we’re trying to solve the same problem?

Excuse my ignorance here, so where is the cover image displayed then?

The cover image is the image displayed in the album index, if so that doesn’t work properly, I.E after the upgrade to 3.1 the cover image is now set to what I did have as the Hero image but it does not display until you re-publish the gallery?

Hi Ben,

If it can be an automated process to set the Hero image as before and the cover image as random then yes please advise?

Hi Mark, the cover image and hero image shared the same setting before Backlight 3.1. There was no hero-specific setting that could become the cover image setting during the upgrade. They were already the same thing. What the upgrade did do was to create a separate setting for the hero image that did not use the value currently shared between both cover and hero image. That point was an oversight of our upgrade process.

Can you share details and URL for an album that isn’t working correctly and explain how it isn’t, either in terms of the cover image or hero image or both? This would need to be an album that you haven’t changed post-upgrade.