404 Page Not Found

Good afternoon,

I have lost my way a bit. After creating a Blog in BL6 I get a 404 error when I click on “View” see image.

It indicates that the URL: www.airshowaviation.com/airshowaviation-blog does not exist. But as soon as I put “?page=” in front of it, it works. AirshowAviation Blog - Airshow Aviation Photography by Henk Tito What goes wrong here?

It looks like your site is set to use the ?page=xx format. Check that in Backlight Admin > Settings > Website Settings is set to about and not ?page=about.

If this is already the case, try reinstalling the /.htaccess file from the installer.

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Hello Daniel,

First of all thank you for your response. The website was on about/ (Page URL Format) I have changed this to about (Page URL Format). This unfortunately does not give a better result.

How can I install the /.htaccess on new without trashing my website?

I also did the “Update Backlight Index Files” (Special Links)

This is just one file. You can rename the one on your site as a backup before replacing it with the one that came with the installer.

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Yes, the new .htaccess file did the trick. And now you can buy your coffee. :wink:

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Great and thank you!