Access code strangeness

For some time I notice that occasionally the access code I assigned to a number of albums fails to work. But if I re-enter the code in the settings for any one of the albums, everything is good again. This may occur if I make some change in the settings of one of the existing password-protected albums. Is this a known issue?

Hi @HerbNestler, this has not come up before. Does this happen when editing albums in the LR Publisher or from within the Backlight admin?

@Ben, to be honest I don’t know how to answer your question. My albums were created and all photo edits have been done in LR. But I have done some tweaking like cover and hero images as well as changing the sort in Backlight admin. Sometimes I only become aware of the password failure the next day after having use LR and Backlight admin. I will try to monitor the situation more carefully and report back if I can see a connection.

@Ben, All of my password-protected albums in one set (which use the same password) are again not recognizing the password today. I did not make any changes to my Backlight configuration in the past 24 hours. I have not reset the password in the hope that you might be able to see something. An album you can look at is Is there a way to privately send you the password I have set?

Hi @HerbNestler, seeing the site should help work out the issue. I’ve just enabled direct messaging on your account. Can you click on my profile name and message me from there?
Also, can you provide me with a Backlight admin login so I can check what’s in the database?