Add Menus to the Footer, How?

Howdy I have assembled using the kookaburo Template,
a series of photos about Volcanos St. Helen’s that has albums organized by Year. To paginate between the albums I added Navigation Links after the narrative and before the thumbnails. You can see a sample album here…

I’d prefer that navigation to be in the footer. Can anyone tell me how? I’m
a front end designer, and rudimentarily understand how php works…

Help and advice would be appreciated


You would need to use phplugins for this, using the phplugins-kookaburra-sample.php file and either the footer_top or footer_bottom hook:

     *    footer_top
	 *      - if return=false, the contents of the normal footer are skipped
	 *      - called immediately within the footer section
	 *      - encompasses the full contents of the footer; can be used to replace those contents
	 *    footer_bottom
	 *      - return value ignored
	 *      - called last in the footer section
	 *      - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the end of the footer section

If this menu will be static (the same for each page), you could just write it in html and style it as needed.

For the “Your are Here” text, I suppose you could use php/java to query the URL and add the text dynamically. Someone like @Matthew or @Daniel would know better how to do that than I do.

Or, you could add the menu in the album copy as you are currently doing (I’m assuming you’re creating each menu in each album’s copy area), and then use Javascript to move it to the footer. You would probably need to add an html container to the footer via phplugins.

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