After Upgrade to BL 5 whole system gone

I just updated to Backlight 5 because some Fonts were missing.

But now there are no Albums (web Module Albums), and it seems I got locked out of the Admin Interface.

Can you provide more information?

What did you do to update to BL5? Did you go to the Backlight Modules page and click on the update link?

What version of php is your site running?

I can see the albums on your site, though your Portfolio page seems to be missing some styling.

I Uploaded the Content of the Zipfile to the Directory , then entered the Order Number and clicked on Update in the Modules Page.

Then the Public Website look like it was missing its CSS when I logged out and tried to log in again I couldn’t.

What version of Backlight did you upgrade from?

Any upgrade beyond BL2 are performed by updating via the Backlight Modules page. The installer is only intended for new sites or upgrades from BL1.

I was Upgrading from 4.1.4 and used the documentation.

It sounds like perhaps you followed the instruction for a new installation, not an upgrade. Since Backlight 2, all updates are done from the Backlight Modules page with no need for uploading anything.

I’m not sure what the best way to fix things is. You could try going to and reinstalling.
Safest thing may be to wait for @Ben. He may be able to go in and sort things out. He’ll likely need your Backlight admin credentials and possibly FTP access.

You can save some time by clicking on @Ben and sending him a private message providing those credentials.

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I allready switched to a backup.

Ah i See I used the Upgrade from CE4 guide

I just got a zip File after we bought the upgrade, I don’t see any options for an Upgrade in the Admin interface.

Yes it seems as my customer bought the upgrade it doesn’t show up

Right. It needs to be purchased using the same email address used for your existing installation.
Send a message to @Matthew explaining what happened. He can sort it out

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@raydoo Shoot me an email or direct message. I’ll need your full name and any email addresses past and present that you might have used to order so that I can find and reconcile your orders within our system. After that, upgrading should be easy.

The zip file download is for new installs. Upgrading from a previous version, you don’t need to download anything at all.