Album Set not shown in Lightroom


until now I have managed my website without lightroom. Now I want to switch to Lightroom and want to use my existing album sets to create new albums in them.

The album sets already there are not shown in Lightroom and when I create an album set with the same name a number gets appended and a new album set is created on my website.

Is there a possibility to reuse the existing structure in LR?

Best regards,

No, but there is a work-around, but it requires extra steps.

Create the new album set in Lightroom. You can give it the same name as the existing set but the slug will be appended, as you’ve already seen. I would suggest giving the new album set a different name. For example, if the name of the existing album set is “trees,” I’d name the new one “trees1.” This will make the next step a little easier.

Once you’ve created the new album set from Lightroom, you can use Backlight Publisher to move the albums that exist in the original set to the set created in Lightroom.
In Backlight Publisher, edit an existing album. Under Base Settings you’ll see a setting for Parent at the top. Click the drop-down and choose the set you just created from Lightroom.

If you haven’t used a different name for the new set, you’ll see two album sets with the same name, making it a little confusing as to which one to use.

Repeat with the remaining albums in the original set until the set is empty.
Delete the original set from Backlight Publisher.
Edit the new set and under Base Settings, change the Title and Slug to what you want them to be.

You’ll have to do this with each of your Backlight Publisher created sets.

Note that you will not have any control in Lightroom over albums that were created in Backlight Publisher (they won’t even appear in Lightroom), but you will be able to add albums alongside those existing albums.

Thanks Rod for the workaround.