Backlight 5 Smart Album-no images

I created a couple of smart albums based on keywords, but no images show up in the album. I have checked the images in Backlight Publisher and they contain the keywords I have entered. The two albums are Snow and Personal Favorites. I have tried it with a fresh install on my test site and get the same results.


Is the keyword list entered in the album comma separated?

Hi Rod! Yes, they are. And it works to use search (like my existing menu items).

@Ben or @Matthew will need to take a look I suppose. That was the extent of my ideas :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @trummonte, can you please share a Backlight admin login so that I can look into this? The best way is by clicking my profile name followed by ‘Message’.

@Ben will know for sure, but it seems that the keyword entry for smart albums is case sensitive. It also seems to need an entire keyword phrase, if that exists.

For example, on my test site, if I use the site search feature for ‘oregon coast,’ I get back results that include the oregon coast and images that only have oregon in the keywords.
However, the keyword phrase in the oregon coast images is “Oregon Coast”. So the site search isn’t case sensitive.

With a smart album, if I use “Oregon Coast” as the key word (no quotes), I get the Oregon Coast images.
If I use “oregon coast” I get no results.
Using “Oregon Coast” I only get the images tagged with “Oregon Coast.” I don’t get images that are tagged with just “Oregon,” which I do with the site search feature.

Also with the smart album. if I use Oregon I only get images that have the keyword “Oregon” (not part of a phrase).
If I use “Coast” I get no results. (that’s because I didn’t use “Coast” by itself as a keyword. If I use the word “coast”, I get one result because I added the keyword “coast” to one image.

What this tells me is that I need to be better and keywording. :wink:
And if I’m using smart albums, I should probably keep case sensitivity in mind and use duplicate keywords with different case: Oregon Coast, oregon coast, etc.


Bingo, you hit the nail on the head Rod! I guess I was relating it to doing a search and wasn’t using the whole phrase and proper capitalization. Changed that on both my live site and the test site and it works as expected. @Ben you can forget about taking a look. Thanks you guys!

I guess that you’d want the site search function to be broader so that the visitor gets a few too many results than not get the results they need.

But for smart albums, I suppose you’d want the results to be as narrow as possible so you could better control what’s being presented.

Now that I think about it, that specificity in keywords is a great feature to have.

I agree. Makes perfect sense. Thanks Rod!

Well don, @rod_barbee. While smart albums do use a search function to find images, the intention is that they are more clearly targeted than performing a search itself. This gives the photographer more certainty about what will appear in a particular smart album.