Hi Guys,
Having seen a thread this morning about running Backlight on a Synology NAS I thought I would put a how to up for anyone wishing to do this, I use backlight 5 and PHP 8 but this should work on any version of backlight and PHP. I ran a test install using these instructions this morning and done a screen grab video that is linked at the bottom of the page.
Backlight on Synology
Packages to Install with Package Centre:
- Web Station
- Apache HTTP Server 2.4
- MariaDB 10
- PHP - whatever version I use 8
- phpMyAdmin
Run - Web Station
- Script Language Settings
- Extensions
Load the following extensions on to your PHP Default Profile: - - Bcmath
- Curl
- Exif
- Gd
- Iconv
- Imagick
- Intl
- Mysqli
- pdo_dblib
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_sqlite
- sqlite3
- zip
- zlib
Run - Web station
- Web Service
- Edit default Service
HTTP back-end server = Apache HTTP Server 2.4
PHP = your chosen php default Profile
Run - File Station
- Right click on the ‘web’ directory
- Properties
- Permission
And upgrade user http to allow Read & Write Access
to check the default site is working open your web browser and put in your internal ip address for your Nas e.g. if you end up back at the Synology login page put :80 i.e. 192.168.10:80
Open file Station
- Web
And delete the default index file and image folder.
If you are going to FTP you setup files in,
Open Control Panel
- File Services
Enable FTP (no encryption)
Use default port range
Local time on server
These can be changed later to a more secure FTP option if you wish, I don’t allow FTP access outside my internal network.
I have had some issues gaining access with FTP with the admin name and password, so I set up another user and give them web and FTP access rights to overcome this.
Next – Follow the Turning Gate installation & Setup guide putting the files in the ‘web’ folder that was created when loading Web Station.
If you are opening the site up to the web, Setup a DDNS name in the Control Panel / External Access / DDNS and redirect your domain name to the DDNS name or just use the DDNS name. - Follow the synology guides for this.
If you have a fixed ip address you can redirect your domain name to your fixed ip.
Lastly – setup access for your site through your router.
There are lots of great features on the Synology, and worth exploring.
Link to a short video of setting up the Synology: