Bluehost Server problems

I know a number of us use Bluehost including me since January 2012. Today, my site went down with an “Internal Server Error”. Anyone else experiencing problems?

The entire site at including the are down and have been for hours. I am also unable to login as admin at https://xxx/backlight/admin/login/ with the same error.

I contacted Bluehost and they informed me I had too many processes running and that was causing the error. They provided a dump of the processes and signed off. So helpful. I look at the processes - clearly way over my head but doesn’t look like a problem. I asked if Bluehost or I were under attack and they ignored my question. Incidentally, their chat was also very choppy with multiple missed and duplicate entries.

I’ll add screen shots of their chat as soon as I remember how to add images here.


I’m on Bluehost too. I’ve got several sites in subdomains. No problems at the moment.

Thanks Rod. Everything back to norlal on my site as well today. No appreciable delays or further errors. Feels like an isolated problem