Can I put a password on a page?

My Backlight website is intended to be private. Recently, I took a look at the log files and see that some bot from Russia is wandering around the site presumably gathering the images while ignoring the meta data and robots.txt file telling it not to. Big surprise, right? There is also a bunch of activity coming from an IP address range that is registered to AWS. I know that I can put a password on the top-level galleries which should stop this, but what about pages? I could go the .htaccess/.htpasswd route, but I’m concerned about those settings getting clobbered by a Backlight update or Backlight’s settings getting clobbered by something the hosting company control panel does.


Pages are intended to be public. But you could repurpose albums or essays as pages, nest them in a set, password protect that set, and build your navigation to go to those destinations.