Cannot Reset the customer's cart in this browser

I have run into an issue of not being able to “Reset the customer’s cart in this browser” and get an error message:

So that when I test the cart on for example, I get the following:

I am feeling like a real dunce, so any help would be much appreciated. Yes, I have upgraded to Backlight 4, and yes, I have upgraded all the modules, etc.

Thank you, I hope …


Hi Margo,

Are you making any specific changes when this happens? Like adding/changing a product or adding/changing a pricing scheme? Changes to settings?

Yes, in this case, I was updating the name of the Pricing scheme. Did not used to be an issue.

Thanks, Rod!

Take care,


is it still happening for you? I can’t reproduce it on my test site. I logged into yours and tried the reset link and had no problems there either. (using Firefox)
Did you try logging out and then back in?

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Hi Margo, Had you clicked on this link when you had an active cart in the browser. i.e. you’d visited a cart-enabled album and added an item? What’s the URL that your browser was on when you saw that error message?

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With the weather that we have been having, I think the server was slow to reset, as I had the same issue on Firefox. It seems to have sorted itself out and is working properly. Computers have a mind of their own, and I think it knew that you and Ben were on this, so it decided to behave!

Thank you for checking, and I’ll check with my server guru to see if there is a way to speed up the cache turnover. Normally, it is not a problem, but again, I suspect weather was the culprit.

Take care,



As I wrote Rod, it seems to be a moot point now. My workflow is to always click on that reset feature everytime I make changes to the cart before going back to the website.

I think gremlins were at play, but thank you so much for weighing in. I threw up my hands and stayed offline for most of the rest of yesterday, and just returned this morning.

Take care,