I have four versions of TTG Publish Services running in LR in order to separate unrelated projects.
The newest instance has added the Description from a previous instance to my Top-level Set generated tab Title. The Description field in the first instance contains the name of my personal photo gallery eg. “My Photos”.
When I used “Add” to to create a new instance of TTG Publish Services in LR it copied the settings and also populated the Description field with the first name “My Photos”.
In my new Top-level Set in Backlight I added a name in the Title field (you can’t leave it blank) and it used the name as the tab Title but it added “- My Photos” to it from LR.
I want to remove “- My Photos” from the tab Title but having tried the following to remove it I have had no success:
change the name in the LR Description field
remove everything from the LR Description field
When I do this I am always prompted by LR to Save the change and republish the images which I have done, but nothing changes. It seems no matter what is done to the latest instance of TTG Publish Services it always says “(not saved}” when you go into Publisher again - even though it has saved the new Description name - but no change is made.
If I could generate the correct Title from LR (which doesn’t work for me) it wouldn’t help because I can’t leave the Title field blank in the Top-level Set Title. So it seems the best way to do this is remove all the content in Description LR and save it so that it works. How can I do this?
Arrow 1: I changed the Description to “Shipley Photos” - it had no affect
Arrow 2: “CEI Photography” is the first Description field - the Backlight tab Title is picking this up
Arrow 3: Every time I open LR the bottom instance of TTG shows “(not saved)” - even though it is
Arrow 4: In the Shipley Top-level Set I have “Shipley” in the title - it won’t save the change if empty
Arrow 5: The resulting tab says “Shipley - CEI Photography” - I don’t want CEI Photography in there, it has nothing to do with that Gallery
The Publish Service Description is only for reference in Lightroom.
I don’t know why the change isn’t being saved. Seems like a Lightroom issue.
The content of the title field comes from the site. Is the Shipley Photos top-level set on the CEI Photography site? (a link to the site would help)
If so, that explains why CEI is in the title
Good to know that the LR Description has no affect on the Title.
“Shipley Photos” and “CEI Photography” are separate Top-level Sets on the site, both of which are in a folder called “photog.” However, I have spent a few hours this morning poking around and I’ve figured it out (sort of).
The “CEI Photography” is being picked up in the “Company Name” under Administration.
In the “Page Template” in “Masthead - Identity” it says “Site Title - If blank, COMPANY_NAME will be used.” Although this has no affect on what is seen on the browser page tab, it lead me to the Company Name.
After some experimentation, this is what I discovered.
If I put any content in Company Name it will appear after the dash site-wide.
Whatever I put in the Top-level Set - Base Settings - Title will appear before the dash on the browser tab
But, if I have no content in the Company Name the dash still appears after the content in the Base Settings Title. I can live with that, but is there any way to remove the dash?
Just a thought, maybe you could request this for a future upgrade. If there is nothing in the Company Name field in Administration, remove the dash. Should be easy to code that.
Another option, so that the CEI Photography does not appear in the page title, is to create a new site in a sub-domain for Shipley Photos (company name: Shipley Photos). That way, the page title, and the tab, on the Galleries page could read “Galleries - Shipley Photos”
Hi @Charles_I, there is a Page Title setting in the Advanced Setup section of a page template in Designer. Can you take a look and see whether changing that achieves what you’re after?