Greetings. I have made no changes to anything re: backlight on my computer or server. I tried to update a collection after a change of a photo and get this message:
An internal error has occurred: JSON.lua:458: JSON.lua:197: can’t parse JSON at char 1 of: Unable to find the SQLite module. Backlight 2 requires the PDO, SQLite and XML modules. Make sure that these modules are installed and enabled.
I’m on backlight 5. When I try to get to my site, I get:
Unable to find the SQLite module. Backlight 2 requires the PDO, SQLite and XML modules. Make sure that these modules are installed and enabled.
The server is not down because I can get to my brother’s site which is also hosted there.
Can’t get there from
If I use Fetch File Transfer to go to my backlight folder, not sure where to look but everything seems OK
Sorry, how do I get to that page you are referencing. I’m used to accessing all that from my page. Is this on the Turning gate website?
I cant’ get to that 'cause I get the same message:
Unable to find the SQLite module. Backlight 2 requires the PDO, SQLite and XML modules. Make sure that these modules are installed and enabled.
Check the configuration settings on your web host’s portal (aka cpanel). Most likely they changed your php version and the one they selected doesn’t have all the required packages enabled. Try a different php version and see if it fixes your issue.
I chatted with help desk. He said that he added a ctype extension. The site partially came on but I couldn’t access my galleries. My site was missing the image in the header ( up above the galleries links). I got an error message that said to contact backlight admin, but I didn’t write it down (though i did copy and pasted it on to my server expert). I told him that it was not working right. I then reiterated that the modules were missing (as per the original error) and he did something else, maybe uploaded a backup copy. Now, my site is still missing the image that I had in the header and the latest album that I loaded is not there. I haven’t had the time to call India again but wondering if any of this makes sense to you techy guys… I’m hoping that they kept a log of the changes they made. Thanks
I woke up to the same issue today.
Rolling back the PHP to 7.3 on the specific subdomain where my Backlight is hosted fixed it. They had changed the PHP to 7.4