Can anyone help with this error i am receiving in photoshop with I try and Publish an album.
Apologies, I am not super computer literate, just enough to get me into trouble haha
Can’t update this collection
An internal error has occurred: JSON.lua:458: JSON.lua:197: can’t parse JSON at char 1 of: Unable to load template:…/…/backlight/framework/…/admin/application/views/…
Hi Dean, is that the full error message that you’re seeing? It looks like Backlight is failing on the server and Lightroom trying to display the error.
Can you provide me with a Backlight admin login so that I can try to see what the actual error is? The best way to do so is by clicking on my forum name followed by “Message”.
I figured it out. Well actually some client of mine noticed an issue and sent me a message.
Parts of the site were pointing to ‘HTTP’, and the site itself is ‘HTTPS’
This was the same with the API URL in Lightroom, it was pointing to ‘HTTP’.
Drop an ‘S’ into there and all ships are sailing.
Thank you for dealing with my embarrassing lack of knowledge on such things.
Much appreciated