Change Album properties in Database possible?

Hi there,

is it possible to change the properties of an Albums on DB side?
I need to change the password on hundreds of albums. So working on DB side would speed up things.


Hi @elmex04, this is possible. Are you referring to changing the Access Codes for multiple albums?

To do this:

  1. Update one album with the access code you want to apply
  2. Take note of the Album ID in the URL for the album in Backlight. For example, if you were viewing that album at the URL https://backlight6.local/backlight/publisher/view_album/888888/ then the Album ID will be 888888.
  3. Visit Backlight > Special Links > phpLiteAdmin
  4. Log in with the password ‘admin’ (note: this only works if you were already logged in as a Backlight administrator).
  5. Click on the ‘Publisher’ link on the left side to select the Publisher database
  6. Click on the SQL tab
  7. Paste the following in the query window, changing 888888 with the actual ID obtained in step 2 and click Go:
SELECT password FROM ALBUM WHERE id=888888;
  1. Copy and paste the password from the result. Backlight doesn’t store plain-text passwords. In this example, the password is enc_e1d320fad2d906ac92cf08ab644b6339.
  2. Paste the following into the query window, setting the password to what you copied in step 8.:

UPDATE album SET password="enc_e1d320fad2d906ac92cf08ab644b6339";

Note this will replace or set the password across all albums! It’s won’t enable the password for albums that hadn’t previously had passwords enabled.

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Hi @elmex04, the above steps assume that applying the same password directly to multiple albums is a good idea. You may be better served by applying a password to a parent Album Set instead. That will mean you only need to manage it in one place.