Client modeul response error in MetadataProcessor.php on line 117


I try to install client response module.

I have created new album template . I have assigned an album to a client, and eable response. However the essay leads to this message :

Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in MetadataProcessor.php on line 117

Thank’s for your help.

PhP 8.2 is install on the serveur

What version of Backlight are you using? Is it up to date?

Yes of course . The latest one !

@Ben will need to take a look. It may help if he has something to look at.
Can you post a link to a CR enabled album?

Does this error appear in non-managed CR albums? (one that doesn’t require a client email/password)

All the albums are BL managed and are fully fonctionnal .

The album of interest is : John Bronces -

Hi @jbronces, this is an incompatibility with the Date token handling in PHP 8.2. I’m working on a fix for it.

Fine. Thank’s.

Hi @jbronces, I have put in a silent update to address this compatibility issue.
Can you please visit the Backlight Modules page and click on “Reinstall” for module-publisher?

Let us know if that solves the issue for you.

Yes ! You are great. have a good day

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