Client Response "Status" confusion


Could someone brief me on the difference between an enabled/disabled client status (seen at …/backlight/admin/list_clients/) versus open/closed status in view response (eg …/backlight/client-response/view_response/810/). Maybe that would help explain what’s happening…?

I have an odd situation going on in CR where only one specific client can submit their image choices (and Backlight appears to be recording their submissions) but neither the client nor my inbox receives any notifications of their CR submissions. They have tried twice now; same results.

I have asked two others to help test the same gallery out for me, and the test submissions were both received by Backlight and transmitted to my inbox (and the tester’s inbox, too).

Trying to figure out why this one client is able to submit images but with zero email notifications being transmitted. Truly odd considering others can test the same gallery without replicating the same problem.

Any suggestions?

It’s been a while since I looked at this stuff, but I’ll try to recall. And looking at this, we clearly need to update our docs for the Client Response Add-on, as documentation seems not to have kept up with development.

Open/Closed status should determine whether a client has submitted feedback, and if they are allowed to submit feedback. In general, when a client has submitted feedback on a managed gallery, then they will be in a closed status. This prevents them sending multiple feedback submissions for a gallery. I believe the original intent of these feature was to prevent confusion from multiple submissions. And “open” status means the client has not yet submitted feedback, and therefore is allowed to do so.

Enabled/Disabled status applies to album templates, not users. If you want to use the client response features on an album, you need to enable the features. You can disable the client response features to prevent the use of those features on that album. This is a bit of a holdover from olden times, when you would have needed to export and upload a new version of the gallery in full to change the feature set; to prevent that necessity, we allowed the features to be individually enabled/disabled per album, so that when you were done with feedback on an album, you could just turn the features off and use it as a normal viewing gallery. Backlight persists that functionality, though you could very easily just switch album templates instead.

Whether or not messages arrive to email is a bit of a dice roll. We have email setup docs here:

Backlight records feedback to the admin as a backup for when email fails to arrive. In short, messages traverse any number of servers between source and destination, and if any server flags a message as potential spam for any reason, it can discard it, preventing its arrival. This is something I’ve seen struggled with both for personal websites, as well as at every tech company I’ve worked for. Bottom line, email is not as reliable as you think it is.

It’s for this reason that Backlight records all feedback in the admin area, as a backup.

If it is essential to your workflow to receive notifications outside of the admin area, and you are finding email to be unreliable, then you can also use RSS feeds. More on that here:

Thanks for your help, Matthew.

Understood; So- I keep them all open (re-submitting new choices is an opportunity for additional sales) and I have to avoid managed galleries as I need the barrier of entrance/conversion to be as low as possible.

But Enabled/Disabled status appears to be a manual-input client list? I’m really confused about how this list is related to album templates:

(Chris here ^ is the client that can submit image choices but gets no notifications sent out when he does; I attempted to “add him to this list” to see if that changed anything… and got the same exact results, though).

I can just ignore this list if it’s simply a holdover for changing CR album templates (and you think it’s not going to help sort this particular problem out).

And yep- I was only able to verify that “his choices were in fact recorded” by checking the admin feedback.

Email rules can feel incredibly fickle at times, but this is a new problem for me… usually the feedback loop “just works”. Hundreds of clients submit their choices without error, and then one randomly gets stuck? So strange… I’ve even tried emulating his browser/OS arrangement to see if that was the catch; no dice.

It is essential to my workflow to receive notifications outside of the admin area, so I’ll look into the RSS feed notifications.

I think I misunderstood the original question about the enabled/disabled statuses, and spoke out them in reference to a different location.

@Ben Are the enabled/disabled statuses here equivalent to open/closed, or something different?

@Matthew No worries. Just wanted to mention that RSS + Zapier is a nice backup solution; thanks for the tip. Not as robust as the email notification, but it does create a link to the full CR feedback submission (which is the most crucial step).

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@Matthew, enabled/disabled for Clients affects whether they can log in or not.
This should have no bearing on whether emails are sent out correctly.

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