Coupon code not working after using it

Hi there,

I added a coupon Code to the cart. We have serious problems with customers trying to buy photographs.
Seems like the coupon code varnishes time by time so our customers have no possibility to use it. You can imagine the mess we are confronted with.

So why does the coupon code vanish? Is this known issue?
I am I right, that the coupon code can be used multiple times or is it being deactivated after the first usage. That’s what it looks like to me.

Thanks and cheers

OK - so I can confirm that when the coupon is beeing used once, then it is not available any more. Is this works as designed or is this a bug

I can’t duplicate the problem.
Is there an expiration set on the discount code?


So even if I do not set an expiration date the coupon can only be used once.

In depth when looking into the sqlite you can see that freshly created coupons do not have a modified date in the table. It is set to NULL.
Whenever the code is beeing used this field is set to the current date and time e.g.:
2024-07-17 16:28:28

Seems like this indicates, that the coupon has already been used and is therefor not usable again.

Strange is that the table holds 2 fields: “amount” and “balance”
Seems like this was intended to specify how often a coupon can be used (amount). But this seems not to be implemented which would be great. And if amount=0 would tell the system that the coupon code can be used as many times as you want that would be the greatest.

Maybe @Ben knows more about this topic and the implementation logic behind it?

Sorry, I was looking at discount codes earlier

Coupons have a balance. As far as I can remember, once the coupon amount is reached it shouldn’t work any more.

@Ben will know for sure

Coupons are designed to be used once. If you need to give them to multiple customers then each will need a unique coupon.

Thanks for coming back @Ben.

To solve this I did some bash sqlite3 statements to created them in a loop. That helped me out.

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