CRG Images unselectable

Hi there,
I finally went fine with layouting but now its impossible to mark a Picture. I could change the layout colour of Image Selects, but in the final Gallerie the Images are not selectable. Does anyone have an Idea why?



Also i would like to change the background of:
Glossar -Window ( popup after hitting ?-Buttom at actionbar)

Is everything up to date?

Use custom css.

For the help pop-up, use:

#crg-help.fancybox-content {
background-color: red;

For the comments, did you want to change the background for the whole box or just the input fields?
You can use the browser inspector to target which area you’re after.

Everything is the latest Version of BL4.
I rendered out 3 different Galleries with 2 Different CRG-Templates, via Lightroom. Pherhaps a Data bank Probleme?

I would like to Change the Background of the hole Boxes imto 95% Black, Not the Typefields.

What version of php is your site running on?

PHP 8.0.28

Here are my Hosting options:

Php version could be an issue with BL4, @Ben would have to take a look.
If you can, you could try reverting to an older version of php.

8.1.17 and 8.2.4 are also avaibel. I could also change frome ngigx to apache.
Matt wrote me before buying that the upgrade to 5 ist included at purchasing BL4. But I cant upgrade in Backend to 5.

In Slideshow the Pics are markable but it dont would be stored long. After a Download the Selection, the Selection-Count swaps to Zero.

You want the background nearly all black? You’ll need to change the text color so that it’s readable.
This will give you a background that’s black at 95% opacity:

.fancybox-slide--html > * {
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.95);

I know that policy is if that you already owned any of the add-ons like Client Response, Cart, etc, when you upgrade to Backlight 5 from Backlight 4, the updates to those add-ons are free.
Did you purchase Backlight 5 and just don’t see the update in the Modules page?

I was thinking trying something like php 7.4 if it was available.
Not sure about the ngigx/apache choice. @Ben would need to comment.

Ok thx Rob. I tried PHP 8.2, and with the Page schrinks to 10 Lines Errorcode. Older Versions beyond are working. Back on MacPro i fish the Mail from Matt before purchasing my upgrade to BL4. Pherhaps misinterpreted my bad english something wrong about the deal.

so you’ve purchased Backlight 5 but it’s not showing up as an update on your Backlight Modules page?

If so, that could be due to purchasing Backlight 5 using a different email address than you used for BL 4
@Matthew can fix that, if that’s the case.

I can’t see what’s going wrong with that album. Nginx shouldn’t be an issue. The selection is sent to the backend, but the response says that the image is still not selected.

Can you create a test album with the following settings and share the link here? That should help eliminate or narrow down whether this is an issue with the way the album you shared above has been configured.

  • Template: one with Client Response enabled in the Add-on Features section
  • Album Privacy: public
  • Album Integration: Enable Feedback on

Hi Ben, ok did it:

here it works.

Great, thanks. The next step will be to work out what’s amiss with the setup of the first gallery, likely in combination of something not working as it should in our code. Can you share a Backlight admin login so that I can review your CR setup? The best way to do so is to click on my name followed by clicking “Message”.

Hi @fotofred, mystery solved. The files were unselectable because they include periods within the main portion of the filename, for example

This is likely to cause Backlight to see this image as named dahmann-immobilien with extension of .de-20230405-FFU_5504-Bearbeitet.jpg.

We recommend only using letters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphens and underscores in filenames.

See the current Backlight Test album, which now includes variations of files with and without the periods in them.