Directory Name Already Used As Identifier

Hi Backlight Support!

I’m trying to rename a top-level set’s directory from “hidden” to “secret” and when I do so I get this error message:

Please fix the following problems:
A Template already uses this directory name as an identifier

I’ve looked through all my templates and did find a few that used “secret” and changed their to “secret-gallery”, “secret-album”, etc, cleared both the Designer->Templates->Clear Template Cache and Admin->Special Links->Clear Template Cache but still get that message.

I’m using the latest Backlight 6.0.3 with all the latest modules installed + Client Response and Theater.

So I’ve some questions to solve this problem:

1 - How do I find the template causing the problem - I’m a bit confused because I did find what looks like a few identifiers that were “secret”
2 - Can I go into the database to see where the offending culprit it (and how might I do that)
3 - Where else might be the source of confusion?
4 - Is there something else I need to do?

Thanks in advance,


Go to Backlight > Admin > Special Links
Click on phpLightAdmin
password is “admin”
Under Change Database, click Designer,
Click on the template table. You’ll see a column labeled “Identifier”

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Thanks - worked like a charm once I figured out which template!