Error message

I changed the top level “gallery” from Galleries to Photo Gallery and this message now displays.
Please advise.

Something went wrong
Unexpected error: Undefined index: top_level_gallery_directory in PublisherRootDataModel.php on line 103

Ben, I’m seeing the same thing. It happens as soon as you click on the Create New Top-level Gallery button.
It appears at the top of the Add Top-level Gallery page

You can still fill out all the settings in the tabs and the new top level gallery is still created.

Thanks @pshilling and @rod_barbee. I can see what’s causing this. Backlight is trying to access a value that isn’t available before the Top-level Gallery is created. The error is inconsequential. I will add a fix for this.

@pshilling, while I can see this in the code and upon creating a new Top-level Gallery, I can’t replicate the display of the error for the description you provided. What specific action did you take to change “the top level “gallery” from Galleries to Photo Gallery”? Was it renaming an existing Top-level Gallery or creating a new one? At what point did you see the error? In Backlight’s admin or viewing the site itself?

Hi Ben,
I get the exact error message when trying to create a new top level gallery from the main Publisher page in Backlight.
It’s not occurring when I try to change the name of a top-level gallery.

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I don’t know if this is related but the copy I entered

into the Main copy box for the Photo Galleries (New top level gallery) page is not populating. The original text is still on the page even though it has been replaced.
Please see attached.I have attached the Photo Galleries web page and the backlight Design page. . Thanks

can we also get a link to the site?

It looks like you’re trying to create a page ( From Designer > Pages). no need for this.
Add text to a top-level gallery by editing the top-level gallery.
Go to Publisher and click on the name of the top-level gallery.
Click on Edit Top-level Gallery.
Click on Page Content.
there you can enter your page copy.

Add your top-level gallery page to the menu by Using the Link to: option of Album Set. Choose the top-level gallery name.

Hi Ben,
I discovered that I can also add copy the the Photo Galleries page via Top Level Galleries Edit. There is a bug in the code.
If I add text under the Edit Copy (backlight) in Top Level Galleries now the new text appears with the Latin text even though the Latin placeholder text has been replaced by my new text. Thanks, Paul

The loren ipsum text comes from the album set template.
When editing the copy area, look for the Main Copy Placement drop-down. Choose Replace the Template copy

Hi Rod,
Thanks for your quick response. Issue is now solved.
