Error Uploading Photo

Hi Rod, if you click on the individual rows then a new panel to the right should appear, with tabs providing a heap of information. Here’s what it looks like for me:

It looks to me as though your uploads are timing out. Perhaps at around the 60 second mark. Does that sound about right?

edit: Uppy defaults to 30 seconds. I’ll look to increase this to 120

Hi @Chumby, I don’t have an explanation for the missing photo. It looked like the photo was resized but rendered completely black. Can you please email me the file that you uploaded that resulted in a missing photo? If that’s okay, I’ll have a go at replicating this, and will permanently delete the photo once done.

For those reading here, we’ve just released Backlight 3.1.2, to address these issues and a couple of others. Matt hasn’t announced the update yet.

Great, thanks Ben.

Everything appears to be working fine for me now.

Appreciate your efforts in getting this sorted.


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