Error when updating from 3.0 to 3.11 on NAS

Hi, when I updated BL 3.0 to 3.11 I have had no problems.

Just now, I did the update on my NAS and I got this error message:

When I looked for my galleries I got this message:


Hi @Rainer_Goergen, I’m not sure what’s going on there. For the first error it’s as though module-admin and module-framework aren’t in sync or stale PHP files are being loaded. Can you try clicking Reinstall on the line for module-framework? If that doesn’t help, can you try restarting your PHP service (if you have one) or your web server if you don’t?

For the second error, can you visit the Publisher admin menu item and see if any additional upgrades are performed?

Hi Ben, nothing helped, also not after restarting the NAS.


Hi Rainer, thanks for the access.

I’ve fixed the upgrade for you and the galleries are now showing. I did this by changing the Backlight version back to 3.0.4 in the database, which triggered the database upgrade script to run.

It looks like your OPcache settings are tripping up our upgrade mechanism. The cache is not recognising that PHP files have been updated, so is using stale copies of files until the cache catches up on modified files. It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at OPcache to be able to quickly recommend tweaks to it. Is this something you’ve configured yourself?

No, I did no changes by myself. All works well with 3.0.4.
I only did the update to 3.1.1.

Don’t know where to change this cache. Never heard from.

Thanks, Rainer

This discovery is actually very helpful. I had come across a similar issue on my own website and never been able to repeat it or pin down the cause.
I’ve found a way that should avoid this issue - when modules are updated, the opcache will be cleared. I will let you know if I put an update in so that this shouldn’t happen on future upgrades.

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@Rainer_Goergen, can I perform a silent update on your site to address this, using the login you provided me? I would like to see that it does in fact clear out the opcache upon installing updates.

Of course, my NAS is my test environment.


Thanks Rainer. I’ve pushed a silent update that adds resetting of opcache any time one or more modules are updated or installed via Backlight Modules. I’ve updated the admin module on your server, and now if you reinstall any module then the ‘Cache hits’ value on the PHP Info page resets. You should no longer have an upgrade issue as you encountered in this thread.

Thanks, but this is only by using Backlight on a NAS?


Hi Rainer, this isn’t specifically because you’re on a NAS. It’s because the PHP config on your NAS uses opcache to improve performance. This could affect any server or host that also uses opcache. It affect my own server that I’ve set up myself - opcache was automatically enabled upon installation of Apache and PHP on Ubuntu 20.04.
The lack of similar issues from other users suggests opcache isn’t widely used on shared hosting, or if it is, that it’s been configured to check for file changes on every request.

Hi, I have found this in my php.ini. May I change something here?


Yes or no?


Hi Rainer, I’d leave it as-is. The fix I put in should solve the issues you encountered.
The only setting that could be a bother is the revalidate_freq. If you are manually editing PHP files then it may take up to 60 seconds for any saved changes to be reflected. I have it set to two seconds, but that’s because I’m often editing files directly for debugging.

Hi Ben, now I wanted to update on my NAS to 3.1.2 and I got this error:


Hi Rainer, I have encountered that too and it’s very strange as the code checks for the presence of NumberFormatter before attempting to use it.
Can you enable or install the PHP module php-intl (or similar name ending in intl if choosing from a list).

Don’t know where to find this. Never heard from.

But why is this problem since version 3.1? Never have had problems with my NAS.


For a number of reasons, one of theme being your NAS is not a standard environment.

I have addressed this. To fix it visit and put in your order number and associated email. This replaces the core Backlight files without altering anything else. It can only be fixed this way because the Backlight Modules page itself is not working for you.

But this is backlight 2 installer.


It’s the same installer. It will install Backlight 3 if your order number is for Backlight 3.