Feedback profile from lightroom not applying

Hi guys, the galleries I’m sending up from Lightroom always have the default feedback profile applied no matter which one I choose.

Changing the profile in Backlight admin works, but I would rather it came through with the correct profile.

Also, a bit of a feature request with the cover images. Would it be possible to get an option for “First image” in addition to random? I know you can pick an image, but this only works after the upload completes so it adds complication to the workflow. Random image works ok, but I would rather have a fixed image that my client can visually associate with the album.

I’m unable to reproduce the problem.

Is the Publisher plug-in up to date? (6.0.3)

Yes it’s running the latest version of the plugin.

Just tried another test gallery today and still has the issue.

have you tried creating new feedback profiles and seeing if they appear in the dropdown in Lightroom?

Yes the new feedback profile shows up in Lightroom.

I have created another test gallery with this new profile, when I assign the album to a client in Admin the default profile is again incorrectly selected.

This is sounding like it could be a Lightroom issue. Have you tried resetting the Preferences file? That can often clear up all sorts of Lightroom oddities.

Reset lightroom preferences and uploaded new album, no change.

One oddity, after resetting the preferences the plugin was not installed and I had to add it again.

which version of Lightroom are you using?

The obvious question I guess: are you clicking on Edit in the Edit Album dialog box after you’ve made the Feedback Profile change?

I’m applying the profile when creating the album, but I just checked changing the profile from lightroom and it has no effect, everything in Backlight has default profile no matter what I select in lightroom.

Hi guys, hope you had a nice break.

Just touching base about this issue again, I have two lightroom installs creating galleries using the plugin now and they both lose the feedback profile.

@Ben will need to take a look. He’ll likely need Backlight admin access and perhaps ftp access.

Thanks Rod, happy to supply the info to @Ben

Hi @trottsky, can you share a Backlight admin login via personal message, by clicking on my username then Message?
Can you also share an album that you had tried to set the profile for, and the client username that you know is seeing the incorrect profile?

What is you history with TTG products that have used CR? (e.g. first bought CE4, upgraded to Backlight3, or whatever it may be).

Hi @trottsky, my apologies for taking so long to get back to you.

I’ve had a look at your Backlight admin and think that I’ve worked out the issue. The setting for ‘profile’ within Lightroom only applies for albums viewed in standalone mode, i.e. ones where Visibility is set to ‘public’. In our recent versions of Client Response, albums that require a client login have the profile set per client. This is managed by navigating to the Assign Albums page:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Users > Clients in the menu
  2. Click on Assign Albums on the row for the respective client
  3. Assign albums and choose the profile to use for that album with that client

I hope that helps.

Hi @Ben,

Thanks getting back to me.

So you’re saying this is intended behaviour? What you’re suggesting is what I already do and am not a fan of. In this respect my old CE4 was better as the profile was selected in the lightroom plugin when using the ‘Copy settings from album’ feature.

Personally I think the best design would be to select both the feedback profile AND the client you’re assigning the gallery to from within the plugin, when the gallery completes uploading it becomes available to view from the clients login.

On the whole everything is running a lot smoother than CE4, and looks a lot better too :slight_smile:

This is intended behaviour. Client support now separates the assignment of profiles with individual clients so that a given album can be assigned to multiple clients with different profiles. This level of flexibility is only made possible via the Backlight admin, and not through the limited controls we have available within Lightroom’s Publisher service.

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