Feeds on albums not OK

I just bought an upgrade from BL2 to BL3. The main reason for this was feeds. I have set up feed in settings and
https://dagbok.kristinn.no/feed/ works well. But feed on album does not work.
@need help


Did you enable the album feed option in addition to the main feed setting?


Album RSS feeds are working just fine on my site.

The feed URL in the head of your album looks correct, but I get a 404 when I click it. Might be an issue specific to your host. I think @Ben will need to take a look.

Are you adding the albums themselves to the feed reader?
The main site feed will notify followers when an album is added but it doesn’t notify when images are added to albums. You must add the albums to the feed for that.

Matt has an excellent video describing the behavior.

Try this:

  • double check that RSS feeds in albums is enabled
  • Clear template cache (from link on main dashboard)
  • Update Album Files (from link on main dashboard)
  • clear browser history and refresh browser.

Hi @Kristinn, I’m not sure what’s going on with your Album feeds. I thought it may be an issue with .htaccess files not working on your server, but I can see the single image URLs work, and they rely on .htaccess files.
Can you provide me with a Backlight admin login and also FTP access so that I can look further into this?

I’m now building up next to my son. Deleted everything to make sure that the challenge was not an upgrade from BL2 tyil 3. I added the menu “Change Page” which goes to backlight /

I’ve changed the admin password to xxxxxxxxx to let you in.

Can you send me your email address so I can send the password. The site is haukur.kristinn.no

PS. Sees that the contact form sends an email to “company name”
Had preferred use of Title since Company may have multiple pages

You can send a direct message to Ben by clicking in his picture or name above. You’ll see a button to message him