Would like to use a photo’s filename as breadcrumb rather than title. Is this possible?
The only way I know of is to leave the metadata Title field blank. The image breadcrumb will then default to the filename.
There may be a phplugins solution but I don’t see a hook for breadcrumbs. Maybe @Matthew or @Daniel will have some ideas.
Thanks for the quick response, Rod. Was hoping for a solution other than not using the Title field. We make fairly extensive use of this field for photos we publish to Flickr, most of which are also published via Backlight.
There are other ways to display the filename. You can use the caption area or the metadata panel in the album template. You could also use that phplugins function I referenced to display the filename above the image (and below the breadcrumbs).
And, as I mentioned above, Matt or Daniel may have other solutions. I started thinking of a way to use jQuery to do it, but quickly got my brain tangled.
You can use phplugins to create the breadcrumbs.
A while ago, I wrote about adding breadcrumbs to non-gallery pages: Adding breadcrumbs to non-gallery pages (updated August 2020) – lab.danielleu.com. This could serve as a starting place. You can use $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]
to extract the gallery path and then create the breadcrumbs trail from there.
Hello Daniel,
I tried to implement the PHP code you suggested (as a starting point) but, not only it doesn’t do anything, but the favicon on the browser page tab changes from my logo to the host provider’s logo!
Here is how I wrote it:
//Outputs the breadcrumbs for the given page including the home page
/*function dlp_my_crumb( $page_name ) {
echo '<ul class="breadcrumbs" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"> <li class="fa_pseudo" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem"> <a href="/" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">Home</span></a> <meta itemprop="position" content="1" /> </li>
<li class="fa_pseudo" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem" <span itemprop="name" position="2">'. $page_name .'</span> <meta itemprop="position" content="1" />
// returns true if $page matches current page or any of its
// sub-pages
function dlp_page_match($page) {
if (substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 0, strlen($page)) == $page) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/*function main_top(){
// Add breadcrumbs to non-gallery pages
if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'about') {
} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'contact') {
} elseif ($this->dlp_page_match('/backlight/search') ) {
} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'xxxx') {
/*function single_bottom(){
// support for left/right arrow key and esc key navigation
$photo = $this->photo;
$album = $this->album;
echo' <script>
function checkKey(e) {
switch(e.which) {
case 37: ';
if ($album->getPreviousPhoto($photo)) {
echo 'location.href=$("li.single_image_prev a").attr("href");';
echo 'break;
case 39:';
if ($album->getNextPhoto($photo)) {
echo 'location.href=$("li.single_image_next a").attr("href");';
echo 'break;
case 27:';
echo 'location.href=$("li.single_image_back a").attr("href");';
echo 'break;
default: return;
document.onkeydown = checkKey;
function ttg_user_load( $style, $path ) {
$g_tsvrl = explode( ' ', $style ); // Extract gallery type
define ( 'G_STYLE', strtoupper($g_tsvrl[1]) ); // and set global for later
$g_path = str_ireplace('\\','/',$path); // change \ to /
$chunks = explode('/',$g_path); // and put into array
define ( 'G_PATH', strtoupper($chunks[count($chunks)-2]) ); // gallery folder name is second to last
//define ( 'TTG_SITE', ''); // set new site root for navigation, resources, etc.
// END
function ttg_head( $style, $path ) {
echo '
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pideja.ca/custom/css/neopideja.css" />
So, I decided to remove it and also remove all the titles in Lightroom so the thumbnails now indicate the large image file name.
Not your fault, I just don’t kmow enough about PHP to play with it successfully.
A few things I noticed:
You’re putting Daniel’s code at the top of the file and not in the user area.
You’re using the old phplugins file. Always start with the phplugins-pangolin-sample.php file
And this bit: function ttg_head( $style, $path )
is syntax from the old phplugins
Sorry, I was out on vacation. Did you find a solution to your issue?