Freeze masthead and menu?

Hi all,

Is it possible to “freeze” the masthead and horizontal menu with the pallet content scrolling up underneath it when you scroll down a page?


Having the entire masthead being sticky takes a lot of real estate. I think it makes more sense to move only the navigation into the top palette. I did exactly this for my SFOS microsite.

Thanks Dan,

I see what you mean. Only trouble I would have with that is that I am trying to keep my menu close to my search box (mainly for the browse categories menu item). You can see what I mean at

Your SFOS microsite is great btw.


You lose all that when the site goes mobile though. Have you looked at the site on a tablet or phone?
Something to consider.

Thanks Rod,

Yes have the phone and 7" tablet next too me :wink: Thanks for getting me into that habbit!
