HELP! Images disappear in PUBLISHER module

I’ve taken up this issue a while back…I use the (old) Lightroom 6 to manage my sites. I prepare the images and publish them thru Lightroom. No problem…usually. But sometimes, I notice that, although the images are on the site, and they show up in Backlight/Publisher/Productions/album name, the images are not in the Publisher module!
Is this a quirk of Lightroom or some other backlight related problem?
Here is a screen capture of a Publisher module I was working with this morning:
Capture d'écran_ 2024-09-16 à 09.59.49
You will notice the the “scrapbook” album indicates it has 12 images, but in reality, there are 110 images in this published album…

I guess you are going to suggest publing thru Backlight exclusively…

In case you are wondering, here is the complete set of published albums, as displayed in Lightroom Publisher:

Of course, online, there are hundreds of images, in 27 galleries!

I remember that conversation

You mentioned switching drives and changing paths. Did you ever check to see if those images are still in the catalog or indicate that the file is missing?

Apart from the fact that Lightroom Publisher indicates 0 images in the galleries, all is normal. That is, the images are actually on the site, in their correct galleries and can be seen in Backlight under Publisher / Albums / Scrapbook (which I am using as an example)

I get that the images are on the site, but are they available in the catalog?

I’m wondering because you moved them to a new drive outside of Lightroom (I believe) and that would mean that the catalog no longer sees them

The images are available in the catalogue. It’s only in Lightroom Publisher that there is this issue. Many of my published pages or galleries exhibit this behaviour in Lightroom Publisher.
And I do know I could bypass Lightroom Publisher altogether by publishing thru Backlight. It’s just that I’m so used to using Lightroom to publish…

Have you tried resetting Lightroom Preferences?
That can often cure strange things

Interesting suggestion, but I am fearful of having to redo all my preferences… Also, the preferences files are not in the correct directory. I should try to find them and decide what to do, then.

Well, I did it. I redid the preference files and…no cigar! All is the same, except some interface preferences I had customized have reset to “factory”. But the missing files in Publisher have nor returned. So, I republished a couple of galleries to see if they, eventually, disappear.

When you look in Backlight Publisher at the album list, there’s a column for “Source” (In Backlight, go to Publisher and click on “Albums”

That goes to the album list page. Under the “Source” column, you’ll see what entity is managing the album:Lightroom or Backlight.

Are any of the albums that show zero images in Lightroom being managed by Backlight?

All albums are from Lightroom

What do you see if you click on one of the albums in Lightroom? Do you see thumbnails with “Deleted Photos to Remove” at the top of the grid area?

Honestly, I am not too sure what you mean.
In Lightroom, when I click on an album, I see no such information:

As for the same album in Backlight:

So, the images ARE published, and Backlight confirms this. But, as a strange qwirk, Lightroom shows 0 images in that album.

I was wondering if there were images in the album but they’d been marked to delete. That would cause the zero next to the album name. Also, having deleted them would cause this too.

If you edit an album (right click and choose Edit album…) do you see the normal stuff? I’d be curious to see if you clicked on the Edit button in the Edit album dialog box, if the images online would be removed from the album.

Maybe someone else will have another idea, but this looks like a Lightroom issue.

Hi Rod, I’m sure it’s a Lightroom issue, because either on the site or on the Backlight page, all images are there.
As for right-clicking, the album displays a sub-menu that contains all the usual items:

  • create album
  • create smart album
  • create album set
  • Define as target collection
  • Edit album (all the usual settings…)
  • Rename
  • Delete
  • Publish now
  • Mark for republication
  • Go to published album
  • Import parameters from dynamic collection

So, it must be some obscure setting in Lightroom.

what I was wondering is what happens when you click Edit album… and then click Edit in the dialog box. Since Lightroom shows no images in the album, would doing that remove all the images in the on-line album? Just a troubleshooting question.

But perhaps your catalog got corrupted somehow and that’s why all the images disappeared from the albums in Lightroom.

For what it’s worth, the only change that affects the images online, is when I check the “is this a smart album” box. If I do, the images on the web page are removed as expected, since there are no images in Lightroom Publisher. If I uncheck that box the images reappear, probably because they are in backlight.

Does this make any sense to you?

The behavior of checking the smart album makes sense. The rest doesn’t.