Hidden navigation in mobile

Just noticed this this morning when I was looking at my site in development on the iPad and noticed the navigation is hidden in mobile, same thing on the phone. It is a basic 4 item horizontal menu in the header section of the template. It seems to only work properly on the “Portfolio” page.

Here is the link: https://headshotsohio.com/

Thanks in Advance!

Make sure that vertical navigation is enabled in your page template.
In mobile mode, the navigation will appear in the page pallet when you tap the mobile menu icon.

Looking a bit closer, it appears you may have some errors in your html that could cause what’s happening.
On your home page I found at least one opening <p> tag without a corresponding closing </p> tag.
Like this on the home page:

<p><img src="/backlight/custom/images/Headshots_Ohio_Background.jpg" width="900" height="300" border="0" /></p></div><p>

You’re also using some deprecated html, like:

<div align="center">

It will still work but should be:

<div style="text-align:center;">

found another issue with syntax on the Home page:

<div align=“left”>

Uses curly/slanted quote marks. They need to be straight quote marks.

I suggest running your home, about and contact pages through an html validator:

Rod, Thank you for the prompt reply. Yes, I have a quite a few HTML errors according to the above validation service. I will try and get those cleaned up and let you know if I have any additional problems.

Rod, does it matter which pallet location (1 or 2) for the vertical navigation?

It depends. Are you using two pallets in your desktop layout?
If not, then put the Vertical Menu in Pallet 1. Otherwise, I don’t think it matters.

No just using the single column… Pallet 1 it is. Thank you!

So I commented out all of the Page copy on the home page, disabled album - essentially a blank page except for the menu and I am still getting 1 warning and 4 errors from the Validation Service. I do not think I have any control over these, do I just ignore as long a the page functions as expected, or is there something else I can do.
Screen shot of errors:

Again thank you for your help!

you can ignore those I believe. I see mobile navigation is now appearing and things are acting normally

I am tracking down the problem by commenting code / text out until I find the problem and fix it. TX!

I found and fixed all the problems causing the navigation issues on both of my sites… old html that was/is not compatible with HTML5. A tip for anyone reading this is to copy your site copy (if embedded with html) into an HTML editor, in my case I used Dreamweaver since it is part of the Creative Cloud. This highlighted most of my errors in RED and made it easy to fix. The above validation service was really helpful… I did not eliminate all the errors and warnings, but the navigation and pages now work as expected. Now on to watermarking the images on my site. Thanks again Rod!