On the first build of my site using BL 1.2.3, I was told to use the following code to insert an image into either pallet or main copy of a page. It was a bit complicated for me but I did it.
you can use the Backlight uploader and then copy the url to the image or you can create an images folder in /backlight/custom (/backlight/custom/img/) to house these special use images. Upload using ftp
If using Kookaburra, you will also have some new options for inserting images in the upcoming 5.3.0 release. For Pangolin, Rod’s document above will continue to be the way.
Thanks! I see that if I click on the title of the image in the uploaded image page, it’ll give me the address where the file is. Didn’t know where to find that URL.
Will explore 5.3.0 soon.
I want to add some photos with text and have just been reading your tips and tricks info. As a complete novice I want to avoid using ftp and have little experience of using html . I want to do as much as possible using Backlight 5 The limitations you mentioned re using the uploader are not really relevant for my purposes. I realise this will be fairly obvious to anyone with experience but if using html to include images in text what would be the source path if I use the Template uploader to get my photos? Also, I am guessing that where I write the code within the text will have an effect on the image placement