I want a menu that appears on an album set and a second level that appears only on each of the different albums - not a submenu that appears on all albums in that album set.
album set menu:
album set 1 button
album set 2 button
album set 3 button
album 1 menu:
album set 1 button → album 1 - album 2 - album 3
album set 2 button
album set 3 button
album 2 menu:
album set 1 button
album set 2 button → album 1 - album 2 - album 3
album set 3 button
album 3 menu:
album set 1 button
album set 2 button
album set 3 button → album 1 - album 2 - album 3
The blue menu is a submenu that appears on all pages. Is it possible to assign a separate menu system for each album?
Seems like a round about way to do it when there is a “link to” for album sets and albums in the dropdown. But I tried creating two pages and linking one to the album set and one to the album and then selecting pages in the menu set dropdown but no matter what I do I only see the album set menu on all pages.
Where do I do this? Albums and album sets have no ability to assign pages directly in their design sections. Assign templates only has one section in it for top-level. I also tried linking the new page to the album set I want and then choosing that album set in the men but it’s still not working.
Album templates and Album Set templates must have a page template assigned to them.
You can assign page templates to album or album set templates by editing the template and clicking on Design. It’s the top item.
Yes I can see where you assign a page to an album set and templates but what I’m missing is where you assign a menu set. It’s not in album set, it’s not in album, it’s not in a top level and choosing the name of an album set in the album set itself does nothing.
In order to assign a second menu set to a specific album do I have to create a new page, album set and album to filter down to that level?
I don’t know your use case, but to me, it is strange if the menu structure changes depending on the page/album I’m on. Since you have to have separate page templates for each menu, it will be difficult to maintain your site over time where changes have to be applied to several templates. Just me 2 cents.
Took me awhile to find it, Very confusing having a Page and a Page Template. So you have to create a Page just to use a different menu instead of just being able to assign a menu directly to an Album. It would be so much easier to have that option at the top of each Album Set and Album template.
The reason why I want a second set of menus is because I’m putting together a website of zoo photos, so on the home page I’ll have a menu of zoo names. But when you go into a specific zoo the menu will show a sub menu of Animals, Birds, Reptiles, etc. This sub menu does not apply to the names of the actual zoos.
Thanks Rod, I figured it out once I understood the Page controls the menu sets. What I want is on the Home menu a list of zoos. But under each zoo a second tier of Mammals, Birds, Fish etc. but that second tier is not relevant to the home page.
When I create a new Album I have to choose a Page Template and that’s where the menu is chosen as Daniel pointed out. So that means creating a new Page Template for each zoo as well.