How to write meta data?

Excuse me for this naive question :
How to write “meta” instructions in the “head” paragraph of the “index.php” home page ?

Thank you for your help

What meta information are you trying to add?
If it’s Title, that’s pretty easy. If it’s something else you might need phplugins

Thank you for your reply
I try to add

in the head paragraph !

Thank you for your reply
I try to add
meta name=“google-site-verification” content="+nxGUDJ4QpAZ5l9Bsjdi102tLVC21AIh5d1Nl23908vVuFHs34="
in the head paragraph !

You can do that in Backlight Settings. Look in the Website Setting section:

Just add your verification ID

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This didn’t work but I found another validation solution by placing a file provided by Google on the site.
Thank you for your help !

did you add just the ID and not the entire code?

Yes of course.
But look no further, as I told you, I solved the problem another way.
Thank you again for your help.