Html "href" not working properly

I have a link in the text block on my albums that is supposed to link back to another page on the site. This works in Backlight 5, but is giving me errors in Backlight 6. I have an image attached of the text in question as the html is interpreted in this message.

I am getting the following hyperlink when I hover over the link (I misspelled https to allow it to show here).


where I expected


Any idea why this href command is not giving me the link that I expected? This is the same text as in the Backlight 5 version which works.

can you post a link to the page?

This site is definitely under construction…

check the url that you’ve written:
<img alt="Mac" src="some_images/mini_mac_image_DSC_7808.jpg" style="width: 350px; border:2px black solid; margin: 15px 15px 0px 0px; float:left"/>

where is the folder “some_images” located?
When in doubt, use the full url rather than a relative url

That is not the issue. I have not created the ‘some images’ folder yet. The problem is the link to basically go back one level. The expected URL as shown is not converted properly.

This is where I am having issues…

If I place the entire URL in the text,


it gets even worse. This is the link that gets produced.


Where I expect the bolded link, but get all of the extra folder information after it.

I am trying to rebuild my site using Backlight 6 on IONOS web hosting rather than GoDaddy. Have any issues been reported using IONOS?

One thing that I have noticed using IONOS is that when I exit the page and go to it again (even on a different browser) it takes me back where I was last, rather than the home page. Have I done something wrong in settings?

I copied directly from the page source code. “some_images” is in the code

The entire url would contain https:// at the beginning

I tried that as well. For some reason it keeps appending my current location plus the desired URL to the ‘correct’ URL

oops, I was looking at the missing image code not the code for the bad links…

The code you’re using doesn’t step back one level.
For example
<a href="clubs/002-queen-city-coopers2">here</a> looks for a folder (clubs) that’s inside of the current page folder when you want, I believe, to first go up one level.
I think the relative url should be <a href="../clubs/002-queen-city-coopers2">here</a>

The same problem is occurring for the inline image as well as the other links on the page.

If your link starts with /, then it starts at the root of your page. If the link starts with some_text, then it starts at the current location of your page.

So instead of clubs/002-queen-city-coopers/video-mini-bridge-vimeo, you might want to use /PhotographyGallery/clubs/002-queen-city-coopers/video-mini-bridge-vimeo.

Hi Rod
Thanks for the response… I had to go up 2 levels. This href code works

Thanks again!

Hi Daniel

Thanks for the info… I had to go up 2 levels. This href code works

Your Suggestion also did the trick.
