Hyperlink doesn't show images

When I use this hyperlink within my website it works as expected but the loaded page doesn’t show the images… Just empty frames with a question mark.

emergency packages

I think it’s probably the way the url to the images are written. try using the full url

I don’t think I understand you… it is the full URL but I added “##Solar panels and high capacity batteries” to it…

I mean the urls to the images. They start with ../
when I clicked on one in the inspector I got a 404 page not found error.

try writing them starting with https://… or / and include the full path to the image

I tried all sorts of variants but no success

where are the images located?

on my website

but where on your website? What folder? what’s the path?

For one of the first images, the url to the image is https://donaldburghardt.photography/illustraties/Noodpakket/Tinderfire.jpg
but that results in a Page Not Found error. You need to use the correct path to where the images are stored on the server.


But that doesn’t work so this does:


The links to your images should be like /2019/illustraties/Noodpakket/13-03-1989 Quebec.png

Ah I found where I went the wrong way. I used …/2019 etc but the two … were wrong! now without them it works. I typed two dots but the forum shows 3 :roll_eyes: