Image quality


I have a problem with the image quality of the photo-for-purchase folder. When customers download the purchased photos, they are barely 120 kb. In the FTP in the photo-for-purchase folder the photos are also 120 kb.
In the template design, in album template, in add-on, the quality is set to the maximum. What step did I miss?

Are you using Lightroom to publish the album?
If so, are are the images in Lightroom 9999px? (I don’t think Lightroom Publisher can enlarge images)

Did you initially publish the albums with smaller photos for purchase and have since changed the size in the template? If so, you will need to republish the images.

Yes we use Lightroom to publish.
I had put the top quality in another folder and everything is correct. I do not understand why in this file it does not work. It is the same template used.
We tried to repost and re-publish over and over again, it doesn’t work.

when you republish, make sure in the Publisher settings, that “Push metadata without updating existing photos” and Publish thumbnail without updating other renditions" are not checked.

in lightroom ? Or in backlight publisher ?

that setting is in Lightroom Publisher

Ho thank you it’s may be the problem. I try to re publish again.

This option is uncheck is not the problem

the only other thing I can think of is that the incorrect template is being used. But you said it was the same template.

Yes is the same template.
Do you want the acess in private message ?

I’ll take a look.

Can’t really tell anything.

If it’s just that one album, I’d try deleting it and publishing it over again.