Is it possible to have a Kookaburra blog as the index page?

I’m contemplating the overall structure of a new, blog centered site and would like to base it on Kookaburra. (Which seem very promising btw)
Is it possible to have a blog appear as the site index page?

As things currently work, I don’t think so. At least not without having to do redirect shenanigans, which we never love.

Might be something that @Ben can offer advice for, or perhaps something we can think about for a future update.

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Thank You. Would definitely be thankful, if that could be put on the roadmap. So far I’m convinced, the friend, I’m building the site for will be better of with Kookaburra than with a combination of Pangolin & wordpress. I’m already wondering if I should overhaul my own site.

Hi @michilge, this isn’t something that had been considered, but is a very good idea.

This will probably require some way of embedding a blog within a page, the mechanism used to show Albums or Album Sets on the home page. I’ll look into this for a future update.

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Thank you for considering the idea. I hope it can be accomplished without You having to touch fundamentals. Since posts can already be nested into posts and albums and album sets can be nested into pages, I keep fingers crossed, that much of what’s needed is already there.