Kookaburra and "Compare: Juxtapose"

Hi all,

will it be possible at some time to use “Compare: Juxtapose” from the theater add-on within Kookaburra?
If not, is there another way to implement “Compare: Juxtapose” in a Kookaburra page?

Thank you in advance,

Ok, I give up on this topic.

I now compare two images with Kookaburra Carousel.
How can I change the transition speed?

Thx in advance,

Try changing the Autoplay Timeout setting (in the page template). Max is 9500 (9.5 seconds)

Thank you Rod,

but i meant the fade time between two images

There is no control yet for fade time. @Matt would have to add that.

Ok, I’ll fall back to pangolin then.

Thank you
Best regards,

I do intend to add this to Kookaburra at some point, hopefully soon. If I remember correctly, there’s no jQuery dependency here, so it should be fine.

Hi Matt,
that would be really really great :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :+1: