Kookaburra Page Copy - Meta Description Multilanguage

Hi all, hi Matt,

is it possible to use multilanguage in Page Copy Meta Descriptions?

Best regards,

No, not that I can think of. I would just include both languages as a single block of text, with your preferred language first.

even with four different languages?

Not ideal, but I guess so.

Our multi-language support is predicated upon having a single page, with all of the language variants present, and using CSS and a language selection – in the session – to display the desired language.

Content in meta tags is not subject to CSS rules.

JavaScript could perhaps be used to replace the contents, similar to what we did yesterday for page titles, but that wouldn’t really help for SEO or social media previews, which are the only real uses for the meta description, so is essentially pointless.

Ahh, ok, thank you. So I will fill it with a short description in two languages.

Have a great day!
So long,

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One other thing :grin:
How to multilanguage the contact form Extra Fields? :thinking:

same way as the others as far as I can tell. Wrap each item in a p tag.

Hi Rod, it does not work with <p>...</p> using backlights Contact Form.

So how can I multilanguage the Field Name?

Best regards,

It worked for me

and here’s a form. Look at the extra field: English contact, German contact, etc.

Tested in both Pangolin and Kookaburra pages
Pangolin: language test 2 - Rod Barbee's Backlight 2/3/4 test site
Kookaburra: kook page - Rod Barbee's Backlight 2/3/4 test site

Fantastic Rod, thank you so much. Yes, I did not try the data-lang thing in the <p> tag :woozy_face:

But how can I make it as required field? :thinking:

Hi Rod,
I tried this before, it ends up with:

How can I solve this with css? I was inspecting things in the browser but didn’t find the right values :thinking:

Best regards,

Might be because of the p tags. I’ll try it with spans instead

Yep. Change all the p tags to span:

<span data-lang="en">English contact</span>
<span data-lang="de">German contact</span>
<span data-lang="fr">French contact</span>
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Hi Rod, that was it.
Thank you very much and have a nice day :slight_smile:
Best regards,