Local copy of a part of a TG web site

Hi, My request may seem strange…sorry.

I use BL with pleasure. I have created a travel photo album which contains images and text… etc…
Is it possible to create a functional export of this album, read-only, locally, on a computer, with a web browser?


Of just the album? No, not with Backlight. A functional Backlight album requires Backlight to be installed as well.

If you’re using Lightroom, you can export an album using the Web Module, but it won’t look like your Backlight album.

Thank’s .

You can install MAMP (https://www.mamp.info/) on your computer and run a copy of your Backlight installation. Then you can use a browser to access your locally hosted site. Once you have your site running, log into backlight admin and adjust the Site URL.

This is an advanced subject and might take a bit of time to get everything working. But once done, you use your local site as you do with you regular site. Hint: I highly recommend that you will change the color or another setting of your local site to make it obvious that you’re not using your standard site.

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