When checking my Publish Services in the latest version of Lightroom Classic (14.2), it said the TTG Publishing Service was not longer valid, i.e., an error with it.
So, I removed the existing TTG plugin, downloaded the latest version of the Lightroom plugin from Backlight, and reinstalled it in Lightroom. However, upon doing so, all of the albums published to my website are gone. A couple of questions:
Is there anyway to restore the missing albums?
If the answer to the question above is “No,” is there a better process I should have used to fix the TTG plugin in Lightroom?
I’ve removed and reinstalled the TTG Pubisher plugin any number of times without loosing albums.
Albums and Sets are stored in the catalog so this may be a Lightroom issue.
The first thing I would try is resetting the Lightroom Preferences file. This can solve all sorts of strange behavior.
If that doesn’t work, you might try restoring your catalog from the most recent backup.
Thanks Rod. I will try both of those suggestions. My current workaround was to build collections that mirror the albums to be published so if I lose them again, I can easily recreate them.