Make theater single image bigger?

Apparently I am missing a step, or or spent so much time looking for it, that I cant see it.

Purchased and installed Theater module last night. Used it to put an image on the home page with insert album in page settings. Unfortunately it’s the size of a thumbnail. That albums template is the only pace I found sizing for thumbnail or photo and neither have any impact on size. What am I missing?

Thank You

there are a couple of things that will affect image size: the size you set in the Image Rendition tab of the template and the Max Width that’s set in the Presentation part.

If you initially published a small image and then changed the photo rendition size, you’ll need to republish the image.

if that doesn’t help, can you post a link?

The Image Rendition of gallery template is set at 960px, Where is the “max width”? I cant find any width other than “border” in “Photo Presentation”. The image published from LR was high res.

thank you Rod


The album that you’re inserting isn’t a Theater album. It’s a regular album. Make sure you’ve assigned your Theater album template to the album.

Resolved Rod, thank you.
