Masorny, Kookaburra and smart album do not work

I changed all my albums to Masonry… have Albums that collect all photos taken in the year 2023. with masonary the post hangs.

If I set the baking to grid it goes quickly. grid Masonry

That Masonry album is incredibly slow. I can’t even get it to load. I can, however, hover over where the thumbnails should appear and can see that your file names contain semi-colons. Semi-colons have meaning in Javascript so your filenames could be what’s causing the problems. @Matthew might know for sure.

Your albums are pretty huge too, so that may be putting a strain on your server.

I would definitely restrict file names to alpha-numeric characters, using only hyphens or underscores as separators, and no spaces!

I’ve also realized that the current Masonry implementation does not support pagination, so I need to do an update on the masonry feature, both for pagination support and to maybe support better lazy-loading.

Thanks for the feedback.

I tested smart alpum for koka albums and the effect was fantastic. The speed is impeccable and on my Nas. Therefore I TESTED THIS with very large albums and laysy loading. No issues. Of course, no point in having such big albums. But as an old data developer, I test out the extremes to ensure that I can avoid thinking about performance. But as I said, the koga of smart albums and grid gave no problems with thousands of pictures

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