Mdash in md copy

How do I put an mdash into album copy? I tried writing —, but that is not rendered but appears literally.

I was under the impression that I could enter html into md-capable fields. <span>&mdash;</span> doesn’t work either.

Thank You in advance.

It’s working for me.

How and where are you placing it? I put it in the middle of some default lorem ipsum with a space before and after the html.

I tried it in an album and in an album set that are both based on Kookaburra templates.

In a page based on the same page template it works.

I’m seeing the same thing in Kookaburra albums.
@Matthew will need to take a look

Actually, probably more of a @Ben thing. But if I had to guess, I’d guess that such things are being escaped intentionally, either by us or by our Markdown parsing library, because it’s more likely someone would write something like, “Beans & rice”, and would want the ampersand to display properly as text. After all, it’s a text input, not a code-editor.

You might have better luck figuring out the keyboard shortcut to type the character you want, and doing it that way. On a Mac, it’s Shift-Opt-[hyphen].

Here it is: —

Couldn’t have imagined, it would be that easy :slight_smile: Just entering the most obscure Symbols without even knowing their html-syntax.
On Windows it’s Strg Alt -.

My problem is solved. Page copy behaves a little different from album copy, but that doesn’t bother me.

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