Meta Description - SEO

I am getting error messages relating to my site. Seems my page appears to be missing a meta description tag. A meta description is important for search engines to understand the content of your page and is often shown as the description text blurb in search results.

What is needed here? A brief description of the purpose of the site?

you can add a description to each page in the Meta Description section of the page’s Page Copy section.

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I’m not seeing the update I made to the meta description for the “Home” page. I assume the change should show up even though my “galleries” are accessed from my main site i.e.

Also… How do I change the to something other than “Galleries”?

Thank you!

Try clearing template and browser cache.

Edit the top-level set in Backlight Publisher.
Go to Base Settings > Title

Thank you!

Where is “Base Settings”? Are you talking about “Backlight > Settings”? Will this also change the linkage if I do this?

Tried flushing the template cache and the browsers (Chrome and Firefox) and still no meta description.

Go to Backlight > Publisher
Click on the title of the top-level set (Galleries)
Click on Edit Top-Level Set
Base Settings is the first group

I’ve no explanation why this is, but I too could not get the description to show on my home page. I tried cloning it and still no description.
I could add descriptions to other pages.
What worked was creating a new home page.

For the Galleries page SEO Description. Edit the top-level set. Under Base Settings, fill in the Description field.

Your last message set me straight. I didn’t have to create a new home page – I just needed to go to “Publisher” and “Edit” the “Top Level Set.”

Making the changes to the “Home” page did nothing for me. I expect it’s because I’m not using the “Home” page as the primary index page for the website.I don’t use any of the “Pages” for that matter.

Many thanks for your assistance, Rod! Always appreciated!

I didn’t realize at first that your home page was not created by Backlight. You personal message made that more clear.
It was still strange that I couldn’t make a description stick in my test site’s home page. I suspect Nargles.